Produced by Finn Coren and Øystein Vesaas
Sleeve: Stein J. Øvre
Photo: Jens Hauge
Art-direction: Stein J. Øvre and Finn Coren
Extracts of recording of Olav H. Hauge (track 1) used with kind permission from Bodil Cappelen and Det Norske Samlaget, Oslo.
English translation by Robin Fulton.
Lyrics used with permission from Bodil Cappelen & Det Norske Samlaget, Norway
Robin Fulton & Anvil Press, London.
«It is forbidden to copy and /or use the poems, portraits, paintings and recordings without written permission from the copyrightowners.»
– fourth single from Finn Coren I draumar fær du – dikt av Olav H. Hauge (with bonus track)